{{s.title}} {{s.title}}

Water Footprint Calculator for SMEs

Welcome to the Water Footprint Calculator for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This tool helps SMEs calculate their direct and indirect water footprints. It guides you step by step through your water footprint calculation. Most steps and input fields are optional. In the absence of data you can leave a field blank. The tool will return zero water footprint for that particular step.

This tool is based on the Water Footprint Assessment Manual and the Water Footprint Network's WaterStat database.

Developed by: For:

Version 1.0 (2015)

The Water Footprint Calculator for SMEs was designed for use within a European context. The units used are metric units.

Units in this tool Abbreviations used
year yr
kilogram kg
tonne (1000 kilograms) t
square meter
cubic meter (1000 liters)
kilowatt-hour kWh


Please enter some information about your company. Apart from the company name, all inputs in this screen are required to proceed to the next step. The inputs on this screen determine the screens that you will get next.


This screen is mainly about the direct water footprint of your company. Employees who use tap water, and areas that are cleaned with water. Food used in the canteen causes an indirect water footprint.

{{getUnpavedText() + (userModel.area? ' m²': '%')}}
{{getPavedText() + (userModel.area? ' m²': '%')}}
{{getRoofText() + (userModel.area? ' m²': '%')}}


Use this screen to add {{step.title.toLowerCase()}}. Select a {{step.materialType.toLowerCase()}} from the list and enter an amount. Amounts are in tonne per year. So if your amount of {{step.materialType.toLowerCase()}} is 500 kilograms per year, just enter 0.5 as the amount. After entering the amount, don't forget to press the "Add" button.


Add {{step.materialType}}



This screen is about the direct water footprint of your operations, not the direct water footprint of your employees, because you have entered that in a previous screen. In this screen you can enter the volume and quality of your water supply and discharge. Water supply is the water you source from the ground, a river or lake, or from rainwater harvesting. Water discharge is all the water that you return to a river or lake, or to the sewage system. Your blue water footprint is the share of your water supply that is not discharged again.


Source and Type of Irrigation

Source and Quality of Water Supply

{{getGroundwaterText() + (userModel.abstractionVolume? ' m³/yr': '%')}}
{{getSurfacewaterText() + (userModel.abstractionVolume? ' m³/yr': '%')}}
Rainwater harvested:
{{getRainwaterText() + (userModel.abstractionVolume? ' m³/yr': '%')}}

Quality of Discharged Water

In order to calculate the grey water footprint of your operations, you need to enter one or more water quality parameters. The grey water footprint will be based on the water quality parameters for which your have given input.





Energy is well-known for its carbon footprint. But the use of energy leaves a water footprint too. Please enter the fuel that you use for machines and vehicles, and the electricity that you buy from your local utility company. If you generate your own electricity, just leave the electricty inputs blank, and enter the fuel for your generator in the fuel inputs.


{{step.title + (userModel.name? ' for ' + userModel.name: '')}}

The table below shows a direct and/or an indirect water footprint for every step that you entered in this calculator. In total, your indirect water footprint is larger than your direct water footprint. {{(totalResult.indirect.wf / totalResult.direct.wf) | number:0 }} times even. This means that your water footprint is mostly "hidden" in your supply chain. In total, your direct water footprint is larger than your indirect water footprint. This means that your water footprint is mostly caused by the operations within or around your premises.

Direct Water Footprint Indirect Water Footprint
Green Blue Grey Total Direct Green Blue Grey Total Indirect
{{result.title}} {{result.direct.greenWF}} {{result.direct.blueWF}} {{result.direct.greyWF}} {{result.direct.wf}} m³/yr (*) [ Add missing ] {{result.indirect.greenWF}} {{result.indirect.blueWF}} {{result.indirect.greyWF}} {{result.indirect.wf}} m³/yr (*) [ Add missing ]
Total {{totalResult.direct.greenWF}} {{totalResult.direct.blueWF}} {{totalResult.direct.greyWF}} {{totalResult.direct.wf}} m³/yr (*) {{totalResult.indirect.greenWF}} {{totalResult.indirect.blueWF}} {{totalResult.indirect.greyWF}} {{totalResult.indirect.wf}} m³/yr (*)
(*) You did not provide enough information on every screen to calculate the water footprint. Click on the link [ Add missing ] to provide the missing data for that particular step.

[ Download results ]

For a full Water Footprint Assessment, go to the Water Footprint Assessment Tool.
Click on the button and select {{userModel.country.name}} as your country of interest.